Note from the artistic direction:
It was done entirely on improvisations, in some free moments on the sets while we recorded commercial projects. The casting was part of the team at the same time.
This short film is a nightmare that proposes us to immerse ourselves in the depths of a disturbed mind. The possession that runs through it, is it the product of what? Is it a deep obsession?
A desesperated act of control?
Or a a self-defense mechanism of a sick masculinity?
Esté cortometraje es una pesadilla que nos propone sumergirnos en las profundidades de una mente perturbada. La posesión que lo atraviesa ¿Producto de que es?
¿Es una obsesión?
¿Un acto desesperado de control?
¿Es un mecanismo de autodefensa de su masculinidad?